OKAY I KNOW U KNOW THAT'S A LINE FROM THE INCREDIBLE HULK.....come on i was a kid once .anyways its all about anger management today , How do you manage your anger issues ? If Alex ferguson gets angry he gives his players the hair dryer treatment ..; If Arsene Wenger gets angry he throws a hissy fit with a water bottle and ofcourse you know the water ends up on his on head and then LE PROFESSEUR gets so irritated he later on throws up..thats WENGER for
but you got to be em-mm...careful if you are around the coach of FC Cluj whats his name ...Sorin Cartu when is angry ...he gets all Bruce Banner and shit....SERIOUSLY check the above video a goal is scored against his team and KABOOM he rips into the plexi glass covering the dug out he meant for his team and to make it worse his side is the away side in the match ..meaning he destroyed the structure so to say of his hosts. i am imagining if whatever made him angry happened in his own stadium what will be his his reaction or worse i wonder what that guy will do if he remotely suspects his wife to be having an affair ..yikes ... Link http://www.bigidsplace.blogspot.com